There are a variety of reasons that homeowners need to know their exact property lines, including building a fence, adding a swimming pool, or simply being concerned that a neighbor is encroaching on their yard.  Regardless of the reason, there are a few steps that homeowners can take to determine the boundaries of their yard.

Property Lines

If you have your home’s deed handy, you’ll find a written legal description of your property’s location. Some are written in an easy-to-understand way that will assist you in determining your property lines, whereas others might require more in-depth knowledge and will need to be interpreted by a surveyor.

If you don’t have your deed or if it isn’t helpful, you can also check with your county’s recorder’s office for any public maps that include your neighborhood and street.  Many will show clear dimensions of your property lines, as well as helpful landmarks to determine the boundaries.

Property Lines

And of course, the most comprehensive way to determine your property lines is to consult a licensed land surveyor. A surveyor will be able to provide you with the exact boundaries of your yard and retrace your property line. Land surveys aren’t required in the state of Pennsylvania when buying or selling real estate, but they can be helpful, and some buyers opt to purchase them for additional protection.

The price for a survey can vary greatly depending on the size and characteristics of your property, but many homes in Greater Philadelphia will cost between $400 and $900.

Property Lines

If you’re interested in obtaining a land survey for your home, you can find a licensed surveyor on the Pennsylvania Society of Land Surveyor’s website,