Did you know that Philadelphia is considered one of the most haunted cities in America? With its rich history and spooky sites, it’s no surprise that there are dozens of haunted houses in Philly and the suburbs.  Interestingly, some states require that “stigmatized property” (which may include paranormal activity) be disclosed by sellers.


However, sellers aren’t required to share their spooky home status in Pennsylvania.  A 2012 court case, Milliken v. Jacono, determined that such information is psychological damage — not material damage — and therefore, not necessary to disclose.  Instead, the Pennsylvania Superior Court ruled that sellers must only disclose identifiable damage.


And even if you don’t believe in haunted houses, you might be curious about whether or not sellers are required to warn prospective buyers if a murder, suicide, or major crime occurred in the home.  According to Pennsylvania law, this also falls under psychological damage and does not need to be disclosed.