Organized for the New Year

This year I will be more organized…

The start of a new year is a great time to look around and add some order to the clutter that has built up around us. We talked to Professional Organizer, Crystal Sabalaske, who gave us some invaluable advice when it comes to taking this leap into a lessstressful, more organized beginning to 2014.


The hardest part of any project like this is getting started. What most of do at this point is go shopping for pretty baskets and organizing tools.  Crystal advised that what most of us instinctually do first is probably the worst place to start.

  • Never buy decorative baskets and organizing supplies as a first step.

Crystal suggests a better first step.

  • Take a look at what needs to be organized, gather, sort, purge and segment everything you are looking to organize before purchasing the things it needs to go in.

It takes people a long time to get past the fact that they spent money on the decorative organizing supplies and had no idea what their storage needs actually were.  Lots of times these baskets end up needing a place to be stored.

Some of the other great tips she shared with us were…

  • Never organize for someone else as a surprise!

Surprise, someone is upset they can’t find any of their stuff!!! If there are others in your house that need to get organized, enlist their help in going through their stuff.  Everyone has their own way of accessing their things.

  • Organize one room at a time.
  • Give yourself enough time to complete the task at hand.

Your space will look worse before it looks better.  If you have a disorganized closet you will need to bring everything out of it and have a messy room before you can put what needs to go back in an organized way.

Organizing isn’t for everyone.  There are many very talented people out there that you can enlist to help you get on the less cluttered path.  Get help if it is a feasible option.  Mention the EveryHome newsletter to get $40 off an initial 3 hour organizing session with Cluttershrink®.

Cluttershrink® provides professional residential, office and relocation organizing services to motivate individuals to simplify their lives by eliminating physical and mental clutter. Through encouragement, coaching and hands-on organizing, individuals discover the tools needed to create an environment that renews confidence, promotes success and replenishes what people need most – more time!